Young offenders’ prison education is failing
A report claims that there is a sharp drop in the quality of Juvenile Education that kids in juvenile offender institutions (YOIs) in England are receiving.
Some children spend as little as 30 minutes a day outside of their cells, according to the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) study.
“Mode of survival”
For drug offenses, 19-year-old Lorenzo Alara was placed in a youth institution.
He claimed that although his YOI was not one of the establishments looked at in the report, many of the young people there were only in “survival mode” and did not care about their education while they were there.
“Factory failure”
The majority of the 15–18-year-olds living in the YOIs analyzed in the paper are male.
Some are on remand, awaiting trial, while others have been given lengthy sentences for severe crimes like rape or murder.
The report includes four different facilities: Cookham Wood in Kent; Feltham A in London; Werrington in Staffordshire; and Wetherby and the Keppel unit in Yorkshire. All of these institutions received a grade of “requires improvement” at their most recent inspection.
The music scene in Cardiff was in collapse in 2017. What is the key to its remarkable resurgence?
The venue is an integral feature of the new, month-long Cardiff Music City festival, and it’s convenie

ntly close to Butetown, one of the oldest multicultural communities in the UK. Events that already happen, like the weekender Sŵn that focuses on new music, will be combined with fresh opera art installations, inclusive “little gigs” for performers of school age, and special one-off performances (like a Leftfield and Orbital double bill).
In 2017, the planned construction of new residential buildings and a Wetherspoon hotel, together with the potential noise complaints they may cause, threatened independent venues along Womanby Street, a busy thoroughfare.
Weeks of mobilization paid off. Huw Thomas, the head of Cardiff Council, says, “That moment was the catalyst for us to start thinking seriously about the value of music to the city.”
The proposal to completely revamp Womanby Street was abandoned, and in December, Cardiff Council hired Sound Diplomacy, a cultural consultant, to create a plan to support the growth of the city’s music culture following the marches. Thomas states, “We knew we had to pay attention to the sector.”
Following the mauling of a man in Sheffield by two dogs, the police advise pet owners.
Two huge dogs in Sheffield mauled a man, and the police are advising owners of such dogs to “step up and take action” to stop future attacks of this kind.
The two dogs, who are likely to be a mastiff and a cane corso, are reported to have escaped from a house before the attack on Dagnam Crescent on Sunday just before five o’clock in the evening, according to the force
Police released footage of the dog biting and forcing a guy to the ground while he was attempting to remove the lead from one of the dog’s legs.